Terri Quenzer Ph.D.


Encinitas, California
Be The Healthy U!
[email protected]
"Helping you take your life back!"


Teaching, coaching, writing, and speaking about plant-based nutrition and plant based cooking since 2012. Prior experience in pharmaceutical R&D since 2001.

Areas of Expertise

Plant-based nutrition, chemistry, plant-based cooking and many others...

So What Is This Whole-Plant Food Diet?

Well, I'm glad you asked and here are 18 reasons why Whole-Plant Food diets are so important.

It’s hard to imagine anything healthier than consuming a diet that’s abundant in whole, plant-based foods. By whole, plant-based foods, I’m referring to foods that are grown in and from the ground, have little or no processing, never had eyes, a mom, or a dad, and didn’t come from anything that had eyes, a mom, or a dad. These include fruits, vegetables (especially leafy greens!), whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds (raw nuts and seeds are best). Here are 18 great reasons to eat a diet that’s abundant in whole, plant-based foods. The more whole, plant-based foods in your diet, the better: (click on any link to read more or scroll down to read about all 18 reasons)

Whole, plant-based foods are the most nutrient-dense foods
Whole, plant-based foods are our only source of dietary fiber
Antioxidants are found almost exclusively in whole, plant-based foods
Whole, plant-based foods are our only source of carbohydrates
All natural, unprocessed whole, plant-based foods are rich in calcium
Whole, plant-based foods provide us with plenty of protein
Whole, plant-based foods are low in calories
Most whole, plant-based foods are low in fat
Most of the fats are unsaturated fats
A diet rich in whole, plant-based foods helps you lower your cholesterol
You will lose weight and keep it off forever even if you consume more calories
Whole, plant-based foods reduce your risk for chronic degenerative diseases
Whole, plant-based foods slow the aging process, so you are likely to live longer and look younger
Whole, plant-based foods reduce your dependency on medications and supplements
A diet rich in whole, plant-based foods will save you money
Whole, plant-based foods are satisfying and delicious!
Warning: there will be noticeable side effects!
Considering a whole plant-based diet? You’re not alone. Find out who else eliminated animal-based foods


What Our Customers Say About Us?


Terri has been a great inspiration and is easy to work with and extremely giving of her time. She was there for us to answer questions and offer help and was always just an e-mail away. I would highly recommend a plant-based eating program and working with Terri will be a bonus for you.


I enjoyed that Terri made the program so easy and “do-able”. By never reprimanding, and always being reasonable, she convinced many of us right through the program. She always made sure that we were ok and answered any questions.


I never thought that being a vegan would solve most of my health issues, I even sleep more, feel great and look younger. Thank you Terri because you helped me understand how important it is to make better choices in life!


I highly recommend without reservation a whole food plant based diet and I can’t think of a more knowledgeable, supportive, and capable coach than Dr. Terri Quenzer and her program to assist and help you navigate your journey to better health.

My Amazing Recipes

Right here I've got something you gonna love

Chick Pea Salad Sandwich
Beans, Greens and Rice
Basil Pasta
Quinoa Salad
Mango Margarita Smoothie
Pumpkin Pie

Got a Question? I’m Here to Help!

Get in touch with me

 Encinitas, California
 +1 619 922 0696
 Terri Quenzer
Terri Quenzer